Sound Sessions
with Crystal Singing Bowls
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~Next Events~

Orleans Salt Caves

March 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd
at Masjah in Harwich 
 $35 for new people, $30 for regulars

Sunday, February 23rd
Hot Yoga East Dennis
Yin Yoga and Sound Session
With Talia and Norah
6-7:30pm $20
Pre-register at

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Fall/Winter Soundbath Sessions

Tipi Soundbath

To get info for date, time and location for these soundbaths, please contact Norah through





These are donation based

Bring water, blanket, layers and whatever else you may need for a relaxing evening on the beach


What to expect at the sound healing sessions

During each session, you may lay down, relax and meditate as the musical tones, good vibes and collection of sounds recharge and fill the space with an energizing calm

A journey of sound, created by crystal singing bowls, didgeridoo, wind chimes, djembe, Tibetan metal bowls, rainstick, flute and whatever other musical instruments Norah decides to bring that evening

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Email Norah for more information at 

Norah first started playing music for a yoga class back in 2014 in Eastham where she played the djembe while accompanying Jed with his harmonium and chanting. 
Over the years she started playing the Tibetan metal bowls for her friend Victor’s yoga class. 
Eventually buying a set of crystal singing bowls, she started a yoga session with her friend, Jess, at Crosby Beach for two summers. The summer of 2021, her and Kasie held yoga classes with singing bowls at Breakwater Beach. After that, she branches into a yin yoga class with her bowls once a month over that winter
For a number of years Norah has been holding sound healing sessions in Dennis, and still does once a month
 Soundbath sessions were also added into the mix at Tula Studio in Eastham 
Weekly yoga/singing bowls collab with Alex Sequin over at Masjah Studios have been offered in the winter of 2022  

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For more information on any of these classes or inquires for Norah about playing music for your yoga class, please email her at or stay tuned in on her instagram page: @NorahBourbon

Musical Background
Norah Has always been drawn to playing music. Piano was the first musical instrument she learnt to play. She took lessons starting at a young age and continued up through high school.  It was a great foundation for her to work off of, while teaching herself other musical instruments and expanding her collection from didgeridoos, a violin, bagpipes and her farther's sax to hand drums, a drumset her granddad's trumpet and singing bowls, and the list goes on...

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